Sunday, November 6, 2011

"The Garden of Forking Paths" by Jorge Luis Borges

First of all, in this story there was really any time travel. No one went back or forward in time in any way. This story was also really confusing, and I didn't really like it. They do talk about time being an "infinite series of times, in a growing, dizzying net of divergent, convergent and parallel times." I think this basically means that time exists in many different ways and 'directions'. I think this is something like the idea of parallel universes, and whenever you have to make a decision a bunch of different parallel universes are created, and in each one a different thing happens because you made a different decision in each universe. Which is really, really confusing and I don't think would actually happen. But maybe that's just me. It also talks about time as a riddle, which I did think was a cool idea, mostly because its saying that the answer to all the confusion in the book is 'time'. Which I just thought was interesting for some reason. What I thought was most confusing in this was when they talk about being friends, but in another universe they are enemies, and then one shoots the other. I totally did not understand what happened there, did it have something to do with time travel? Or was he just being a spy and trying to get information? And, did they actually time travel ever in their lives? Or did they time travel unexpectedly while they were talking? Or did it change to a different universe? Or something like that?

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