Sunday, November 6, 2011


I thought this was a pretty good movie. It also had another idea about time travel. In this movie, scientists accidentally discovered a way to time travel by trying to fax solid objects. But, when they sent one it didn't arrive at its destination, it just appeared back where it started, several hours later. So they took a look at cameras that had been on it, and by looking at the sky, they realized that their package had been in not just the wrong place, but the wrong time. So they discovered that they could use this machine to send things, and even people, back to 14th century France through a wormhole, that for some reason had appeared. I thought this was a cool idea about a way to time travel, and also probably the most realistic. It seems to me that if time travel was possible, and if we ever discovered it, it would be accidentally. I think this is most realistic possibility, because we know that the universe is really weird, and we really know nothing about it, so things like wormholes could be appearing all the time, but we just haven't realized it yet. Also, the fact that they could only travel to a certain place and time makes sense with the way that they traveled, and just makes it seem more possible. To me, anyways. Although I don't think time travel will ever be possible for us by an invention, I could see this potentially happening.

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